Friday, October 8, 2010


.....but Ohio State Buckeye football fans are over the top.  For real.  To me, it's ridiculous.  Absurd even.  Although I now live in Madison, I still check the Columbus 10TV news website daily to see what is happening at "home".  Since the start of the college football season, there are some days when 3 of the top 4 10TV news headlines on their website have to do with OSU Buckeye football.

Really?  3 of the top 4 news headlines?

How about a month or so ago when former Buckeye football standout Maurice Clarett made the Columbus news headlines about potentially returning to school at Ohio State?  Seriously??  I have never posted a comment on a news website before, but when I saw the headline about Clarett, I couldn't help myself.  I had to put a comment right up on the 10TV news website.  Maurice Clarett is a washed-up, ignoramus thug convict who played football for Ohio State, like, 100 years ago.  His potential return to school at OSU is a news headline?  That's just pathetic.  I can't believe that 10TV thought it was a news headline.  I don't even think that was news worthy.

Here I am living in Madison, Wisconsin.  Like Columbus, Madison is also a Big Ten college football town.  The main campus of the University of Wisconsin is right in downtown Madison.  People around here seem to enjoy UW Badger football.  Do you know how many news headlines I see about it on-line?  None. 

Ah.  The refreshing feeling of a little perspective.  From what I can tell, the news stations here report on the score and other game details, but not as a news headline.  And they don't go on ad nauseum after games, dissecting every play.  Granted, I don't look at every single Madison news website, but in no way, shape or form is college football as pervasive here as it is in Columbus.  Thank goodness. 

I hope I'm not offending anyone.  Being a Buckeye football fan is just fine.  Watching the game?  Great.  Cheering for the Buckeyes?  Woo-hoo.  Being disappointed when they lose or don't play well?  OK- bummer.  Wearing a Buckeye's shirt to work the Friday before a game?  Fine.  Cute even.  The camaraderie that comes from being a fan?  I can appreciate that. 

But 3 out of 4 news headlines about an upcoming game?  Come on now.

When Scott and I were in Columbus for my Dad's surgery, we somehow ended up over near the Kroger in Grandview.  This is a picture of the gas station in front of the Kroger store.

Yes, you are seeing correctly.  That is a huge, blow up replica of an OSU linebacker on top of the gas station.  Here's a close up.

I have mentioned in previous posts that sometimes I have the sense of humor of a third grader.  While this huge blow-up replica of an OSU linebacker on top of a gas station is just so...... typical....for the Columbus area, I had to laugh at this angle of it.

Now that's some ass.  Why do I think that's funny?  Who knows.  Maybe because of my third-grader sense of humor.  Or, maybe because it makes me happy to see an ass out there that's bigger than my own.  

1 comment:

Eric said...

Seriously: I'm first in line to buy your first book, assuming the writing remains as enjoyable as your blog. Hooray for Julie!!