Monday, October 25, 2010

Another Car Fire

Remember this post?  Car fires

When I wrote that post, I had seen 5 car fires in the 7 months since my move to Wisconsin.  Last weekend, we saw another car fire.  That makes a total of 6 car fires I've seen in WI, or roughly one every other month since I've lived here.

This car fire was right here in the neighborhood where we live.  I didn't get a very good picture because someone who shall go unnamed was rushing me (again!)

A vintage VW bus on fire.  That's not a vehicle that's easily replaced, that's for sure.  Especially in that lovely green color with the white wall tires.  I have wondered what causes all these car fires I've seen up here.  In the case of the burning VW bus, I'm thinking it might have been caused by some hippy being careless while riding around and smoking a fatty.  Wait....did I just stereotype people who drive vintage VW buses?? 

While I didn't get a good shot of the actual fire, here is a picture of the scene later in the day.

Damn.  That fire burnt up some grass.  I'd be salty if that was my yard.

All these car fires up here are a little unsettling.  Although, admittedly, I'm thankful none of the cars on fire have been mine.  Let's hope it stays that way.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Three words: Vehicular Spontaneous Combustion.