Sunday, October 10, 2010

Much Better

I like the looks of side-by-side refrigerators.  In terms of functionality, they suck. 

This is the refrigerator that came with the house we bought here in Stoughton.

An old side-by-side.  Blah.  I can say 2 good things about it, however.  #1  It worked.  #2  I had never before had a refrigerator with water and ice available on the exterior door.  It didn't take me long to get hooked on it.  Can I tell you how much I love being able to immediately access crushed ice? 

So, those were the good things about this refrigerator: it worked and the exterior availability of water and cubed and crushed ice.  The interior, however, was intolerable.  Perhaps embarrassment should preclude me from posting the following picture, but I'm an all-out-there kind of person, not afraid to show others the good, the bad, and the ugly of my life.  Here's an example of the bad and the ugly.

What a mess.  I couldn't take it.  That refrigerator had to go.  And go it did.  To a used appliance broker from the Chicago area.  Apparently this appliance broker dude buys used appliances and then re-sells them, mostly to landlords who need appliances for rental properties.  He came in a truck and picked it up (little bit of poetry there) and gave us $175.00.  See ya!

Out with the old and in with the new.  Here is our new refrigerator.

How about that bad boy?  To borrow a vulgar expression that an ex-boyfriend used to use:  that refrigerator makes my nuts tingle.  Who was the genius that invented the dual bottom freezer, french doors on top refrigerator?  (tingle, tingle, tingle, tingle)

Compared to the side-by-side, this bad boy has so much more room and is so much easier to organize. 

And we still have water and cubed/crushed ice on the exterior door (tingle, tingle, tingle, tingle).

Those blue lights are so cool (tingle, tingle, tingle, tingle) and so is the LED light on the inside (tingle, tingle, tingle, tingle).

You must think me crazy for being this excited about a refrigerator, but seriously-- I dig this bad boy so much I'm thinking about giving it a name.

1 comment:

Jeano said...

How about Bruce Chillis?