Saturday, October 9, 2010

It's Not Just OSU Football

In my previous post, I pretty much slammed the Columbus, Ohio 10TV news website for having so many headline stories about Ohio State Buckeye football. 

Apparently the scope of their absurdity in determining what constitutes a news headline isn't specific to Ohio State football.  Case in point, the following headline from yesterday:

Big Meatball

I used to live in a predominantly Italian neighborhood, right down the street from the Columbus Italian Club.  I can't count the number of days I walked by the CIC and saw crowds outside playing bocce.  I always enjoyed that.  The house I lived in was situated right amongst families with last names like Morone, Guida, and DePalma (although the kid from the Metzler family won the bocce tournament at the annual block party-- go figure.)

The point is:
I love Italians.
I am part Italian.
I have fond memories of the CIC.
I love meatballs.

But, a news headline about the CIC falling short of breaking the record for the world's largest meatball?

10TV- you're killin' me.

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