Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Transportation Modus Operandi

I commented in a previous post that there are an ass load of bikers in Madison.  I'm serious.  An ass load.  I don't know exactly what the quantity is in a measurement of "ass load".  I just know it's a lot.  Case in point:  when I pull into the parking garage at the apartment building where I have most recently been staying, this is what I see to my immediate left as I enter the garage.

This isn't that big of an apartment building.  That's an ass load of bikes right there.  For an ass load of bikers.

I was recently talking to an agent about homeowners and car insurance.  During the discussion, he asked me if I was interested in an umbrella policy.  I asked him why I might need one.  I sh*t you not, this was his reply:  "Well, this is Madison and there are a lot of bikers and occasionally a biker gets hit."  So, I may need additional insurance coverage.  Because there are an ass load of bikers in this town. 

On a side note:  I lied to the insurance agent mentioned above when he asked me what kind of dogs I have.  I am well aware there are many insurance companies that won't provide coverage to people who have dogs that are considered "exclusionary breeds".  Pit Bulls are always on the exclusionary breed list.  Many times, Doberman Pinschers are too.  So, I told him I have 2 mixed breeds.  Big fat lie.  I'm a horrible liar.  I just can't do.  As soon as I hung up with the agent, I felt bad.  Lying is wrong and it never pays in the end. I called him right back. I told him I was caught off guard by the question about my dogs and admitted I have a Doberman.  I apologized to him for lying.  He laughed and said, "I'm in the insurance business, we lie all the time.  We call it bending the truth."  


In addition to seeing the ass load of bikes pictured above, this is the other thing I see almost immediately upon entering the parking garage at my current apartment building.

Who is Jo Flowroshus and why does he/she have these graphics on a Saab??  It took me at least a dozen times of looking at the word "Flowroshus" to figure out how to say it.  Once I got the hang of it, I thought it was kind of cute.  I think I want to be Flowroshus. What is it and how do I make it happen? 

Last comment for now about Transportation Modus Operandi.  Most of you who look at this blog know I work for a company that supports individuals with developmental disabilities.  As a company, we own a fleet of handicap accessible vans and we train our staff in defensive driving.  The window in my office faces the parking lot.  I looked out the other day and saw this.  I had to get picture.

Yup.  That white van is a company vehicle.  Driven to the office and parked by one of our staff.  While we train our staff in defensive driving, we obviously don't train them in parking.


1 comment:

Jo Flowroshus said...

hahaahah i am jo flowroshus