Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Weekend

My job is so all-consuming right now I haven't had time to write on my blog.  My last post described my Sunday two weeks ago.  I don't usually go two weeks without posting at least a little something.  But, alas, here I am.

This weekend has been another good one.  I have really been enjoying my weekends lately.  More so than I have in a long time.  As per usual, I had work I needed to do but just couldn't bring myself to it.  I'll pay for it tomorrow, for sure.  But, hell-to-pay-tomorrow hasn't stopped me from feeling good since I got home Friday night.

Friday nights have turned into one of my favorite times of the week.  I am putting in a lot of hours Monday- Friday at work, so by the time Friday evening rolls around I am seriously ready for a break.  I love the feeling of getting in my car on Friday after work and driving home.  A little bit of welcomed relaxation sets in.  As you know, I adore my husband and it feels so good to come home on Friday and know that we will be together all weekend long.  There is no one else I'd rather spend my time with and no where else I'd rather be than with him, our pets, in this house that we are so fond of and that we deeply appreciate.

We used to go out to eat frequently on Friday nights, but recently we have been staying home.  I like both.  I like going out to eat.  I like staying home.  This past Friday, we stayed in.  I baked some super-delicious Almond-Asiago crusted fish in the oven.  So good.  The weather was so mild that after we ate we decided to sit out on the back deck and try, for the first time, to build a fire in the chimmenea that the previous owner of the house left for us.

It was wonderful.  So, so peaceful and relaxing.  Temps were typical spring blend of warm/cool.  The fire was crackling and kicking out some heat.  We sat in the comfy chairs from our outdoor table set-- the ones with thick cushions and that rock.  And we sipped on wine.  It was utterly divine.

Here is the chimmenea.  This thing is a monster (in a good way).  It's cast iron.  Heavy as hell.  Deep enough to hold quite  bit of wood.   

Here is a close up of the belly.  Scott put a lot of wood in there.  It was roaring. 

I took the picture below during the day today.  We actually moved that heavy SOB to a different place on the deck.  I think we'll enjoy it even more where it is now.  As you can see, it's woodsy behind the chimmenea.  We'll be glad when there are some leaves on those trees.

Here's a long shot of the chimmenea and the deck.  This house has a huge deck on it.  I'll take some better pictures of it once we get it power-washed, stained, and flowers planted.  

I mentioned that Scott and I sipped on wine while we sat by the fire.  I have been spending waaaay too much time in Crate & Barrel since I have been going frequently to my company's office in Milwaukee.  Crate & Barrel is right across the street from the office.  Tempting.  Dangerous.  My latest Crate & Barrel quest has been to accumulate a variety of wine glasses.  Hands down, these round ones are my favorites so far.

Had I stopped at just buying wine glasses, that probably would have been OK.  But, I didn't stop there.  I also bought this wine cabinet at C&B.  It fits perfectly in a little alcove in the dining room.  

Kind of hard to see in the picture.  Maybe I should have used the flash.  Of course, the thermostat is bright as day in the picture.  Not exactly what I was going for.

When I lived in Grandview, I frequented MacLauren's wine shop on 5th Avenue.  What a great place that was.  The people who worked there were always so helpful and I would leave with bottles of wine that were good quality but not too expensive.  I was hoping for a similar score here in Madison.  I checked with Sona, my realtor who became somewhat of a friend since we spent so much time together.  She referred me to Barrique's (see this previous post).  Barrique's has a wall of wines for under $10.00.  Perfect.  I have been into Malbec's recently.  Scott and I picked this one up at Barrique's.  Amazing and only $9.99.

So, that's been the highlight of the weekend-- spending both Friday and Saturday nights outside by the fire sipping on wine.  I'm not sure we'll be able to do the same thing next weekend, though, considering the forecast is for rain and snow next Saturday......

Snow?  Seriously???

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