Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wild Turkey

I don't remember ever seeing wild turkeys in Ohio.  I'm sure they were there.  I just don't think I ever saw one.  Probably because we lived in town and I'm guessing there aren't a whole lot of wild turkeys lurking around urban areas.  

Here in Wisconsin we live in a small country town, so we have to drive on country roads to get here from Madison (or to go to Madison for that matter).  There is a lot of farm land around here.  And a whole bunch of wild turkeys.

Let me tell you something about wild turkeys:  those are some ugly m-f'ers.  Seriously ugly.  F-ugly.

Wild turkeys are so ugly, they freak me out.  And you never see just one of them.  They are always in large groups (flocks?) and I usually see them feeding out in the corn fields in these parts.

I have had 2 "encounters" recently with wild turkeys.  The first happened a week or so ago.  Scott and I were driving up 51 to Madison and all of a sudden a wild turkey took flight and flew right in front of the car.  We didn't hit it, but it seemingly flew right in front of the wind-shield.  It scared the sh*t out of me.  At first, I didn't even know what it was.  After I yelped, I had to ask Scott:  "what was that??"  A wild turkey flying right before our eyes.  Creepy.  They are ugly and they look mean as hell.  It was like a Jurassic Park moment.

The second encounter I had was one day earlier this week when I was driving to work on 138.  I could see cars were stopped a ways in front of me and it appeared from a distance a dog was running loose on the side of the road.  As I got closer, I noticed it wasn't a dog but a wild turkey.  Have you ever seen one of those things run?  OMG.  Those are some fast suckers.  They can really scoot.  I read somewhere that they can run upwards of 18 mph.  Seeing that ugly m-f'er run all fast across the road.  Ugh.  I shudder to even think of it now. 

Clearly I am very freaked out by wild turkeys.  I don't even care for this kind:
Unless I'm enjoying it as one of the ingredients in a Derby Pie, of course.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Love it. Absolutely.