Saturday, April 30, 2011

Work Story

I work for a company that provides supports to individuals with developmental disabilities.  That covers a whole host of diagnoses, disorders, medical needs, and sometimes behavioral challenges.  Some of the individuals we support have (inappropriate) sexualized behaviors as part of their disability.

One of the individuals we support here in Wisconsin does, indeed, have some.....ahem..... "issues" with sexual behavior.  He has a housemate who is not ambulatory.  As such, a nun from the local Catholic church comes to the home to pray with the housemate and offer communion.

Last Sunday on Easter, a nun came to the home.  Below is an excerpt from a conversation between the nun and the individual, whom I'll call Joe.

Joe:     Can I ask you a question?
Nun:    Yes.
Joe:     Do you want to f*ck?

Hey, she said he could ask a question... and he did.

I'm sure it's totally wrong that I laughed when I heard about this.

At my job, there is never a dull moment.  We could make a top-rated reality show.

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