Sunday, April 24, 2011


To my friends who might happen to read this blog:  Happy Easter.

This is the first Easter in my 41 years of life that I won't see/have dinner with my parents.  I'm sad about that.

This year, it will be just Scott and me.  I'm thankful we're together.  It will be a low-key day for us.  We'll take our usual Sunday walk-- the 4.7 mile route today.  I have work to do and Scott needs to write a paper for school.  I'll make a traditional Easter dinner.  While I love to cook and always enjoy making a holiday meal, I'll miss the wonderful food my Mom makes.  She's a great cook.  She always makes deviled eggs for Easter dinner and she makes the best deviled eggs.  Another Easter dinner tradition of hers, which I'll make for Scott and me today, is a hot pineapple dish.  It has cheddar cheese in it, which might sound weird but it is so good.  In case you're interested in trying it for something a little different, here is the recipe:

Drain a 20 ounce can of pineapple chunks.
Mix 3 Tbsp. of the pineapple juice with 3 Tbsp. of flour and 1/2 cup of sugar.
Stir in the pineapple chunks.
Add 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese.
Pour into greased casserole dish.
Mix 1/4 cup melted butter with 1/2 cup Ritz cracker crumbs.
Sprinkle on top of casserole.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Pretty easy to make.  It's different and it's quite yummy.

Scott and I have been trying to eat healthier since he was diagnosed recently with high cholesterol.  We've been doing good but we'll splurge a little today since it's a holiday.  In addition to the pineapple dish, we'll have ham, scalloped potatoes, asparagus, and some kind of dessert.

That's about it for us today.  I think the weather is supposed to be mild, which will be a nice change from all the rain/ice/snow we had last week.  It's still not very warm here, but hopefully the sun will come out.  I'll be missing my parents today for sure.  Holidays are meant to be spent with loved ones.  I hope you will be spending the day with yours.

1 comment:

Jeano said...

Happy Easter to you and Scott! I had brunch at J Liu restaurant at 10 this morning with my son and my ex. Stopped at Joey's for a couple minutes afterward, but got home around 12:30 and have been on my own ever since. To be honest, I turned down an offer to go to my cousins this afternoon; brunch was enough of a celebration for me. As nice as brunch was, and I'm so happy Joey is around, I do miss having Chrissy here on the holidays. Well, this turned from a comment into an email, so I'll sign off. Happy Easter again!