Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Scott and I traveled "home" to Columbus for Thanksgiving.  Overall it was a good trip.  There were a couple of downers though.  My Grandmother was in the hospital the duration of the time we were there.  She isn't doing very well following her hip replacement surgery this past Tuesday.  Also, I had my 6-month check-up at the dentist while I was home.  I learned that I have 2 cavities and can no longer avoid getting a bite guard.  I have known for a long time that I need a bite guard because I grind my teeth at night as a result of TMJ (and stress!)  The dentist said I have significant wear on my teeth for my age and that if I completely wear the enamel off my teeth then I'll have to get crowns put on them.  He said I have worn my back teeth almost flat on the surface and my front teeth are starting to show signs of wear also.  That's just flippin' fabulous.  *Sigh*  So, I guess I'll finally get a bite guard.  I'm not looking forward to sleeping with a mouth piece in, nor am I looking forward to paying for it (insurance company considers it "cosmetic" and won't cover it-- that's bullsh*t, isn't it?) 

Other than worrying about my Grandmother and not-so-great news from the dentist, the trip was a good one.  I felt a deep sense of reverence this Thanksgiving.  I have a lot to be thankful for.
  • I'm thankful for the miracle that occurred with my Dad back in September.  We are so grateful he is alive and was sitting at the dinner table on Thanksgiving day.
  • I'm thankful for Scott, who is the best friend I have ever had.  I love him and I love being married to him.  I'm thankful our paths crossed.  
  • I'm thankful for my Mom.  She is a rare gem and the best Mom on the planet.
  • I'm thankful to have so many wonderful friends.  Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to have such a wide network of loving, caring people in my life.  I'm especially grateful for the outpouring of support I have received from my friends this year as I have struggled to adjust to life in Wisconsin.  
  • I'm thankful I've been healthy this year.
  • I'm thankful  I have a job.
  • I'm thankful that the company I work for thought enough of me to give me an opportunity to advance in the organization.  This company has been really good to me and I've been fortunate to work for this organization for nearly 10 years.
  • I'm thankful to have a nice home and I'm thankful to my parents for giving us a large down-payment on it.
  • I'm thankful we were able to sell our home in Columbus so we could buy a home in Madison and live together as a family.  Homes aren't easy to sell right now given the real estate market is in shambles.  I'm thankful we sold our home for a little more than we paid for it.  I'm thankful the 8 months Scott and I lived apart are behind us.
  • I'm thankful I have a dependable automobile.
  • I'm thankful I have health insurance.
  • I'm thankful that, especially in the midst of a bad economy, Scott and I are doing pretty well financially.  I'm thankful that I'm able to pay my bills.
  • I'm thankful all my body parts work.  I can see, hear, smell, walk, write, etc.
  • I'm thankful all my pets are with me:  Rudy, Jada, Isaac and Simon.
  • I'm thankful Cindy was able to cut my hair when I went home for Thanksgiving.  She is simply the best at what she does.
  • I'm thankful that Scott and I were able to visit with some friends while we were home:  Pamela/John, Tim, Cathy and Kelly.
  • I'm thankful I got to see Pamela's parents and sister while we were dining out at El Vaquero.  I've known them since I was in third grade.  They are the salt of the earth and they are family to me.
  • I'm thankful we had good weather to travel to/from Ohio in and I'm thankful the trip was safe for us.
  • I'm thankful to Sona for taking care of the cats for us while we were gone. 
  • I'm thankful for things that can be easy to take for granted:  clean water, indoor plumbing, electricity.
  • I'm thankful my brain works pretty well and that I have a reasonable amount of intelligence.
  • I'm thankful I can read.
  • I'm thankful for Emmy, my first Doberman Pinscher and the love of my life.  Even though she is no longer with me, I'm grateful for the lessons she taught me.  
  • I'm thankful I had the opportunity to go to college and earn 2 degrees.
  • I'm thankful to have some money in savings and some money in retirement accounts.
  • I'm thankful for a few key people here in Madison who have extended support to me during my difficult adjustment period:  Nancy, Kori, Mike, Chris.
My gratitude list could go on and on and on.  I have absolutely everything I need and most of what I want.  There have been some challenges this year, for sure.  However, my life is good.  I'm way ahead of the curve and benefit from an abundance of blessings that many folks don't have. 

My cup runneth over.