Thursday, October 9, 2008

I need to vent again.....


Why am I watching these presidential debates? It just gets me all balled up and then I obsess on them.

Regarding the debate last night between John McCain and Barack Obama: just 4 brief things:

1. They say that when you type in all capital letters, it's like you are yelling. I think the following comment deserves all caps: DID JOHN MCCAIN REALLY REFER TO RONALD REAGAN AS HIS HERO? REALLY? ARE YOU SHITTING ME???? Second only to stupid ass George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan is arguably the worst president in American History. Hell, even my crazy ass ex-mother-in-law knew Ronald Reagan was bad news. She said his name represented the devil (Ronald Wilson Reagan = 666) Ronald Reagan a hero? Just stop.

OK- sorry about that. I will try to quit typing cuss words now.

2. Is there anything more telling that someone is a racist than him (John McCain) referring to Barack Obama as "that one"? Did you notice how uptight and standoffish John McCain and his wife were toward Barack Obama during the socializing period at the end of the debate?

3. John McCain is no match for Barack Obama in pretty much every respect, most notably with regard to class, poise, raw intelligence. Barack Obama is intense, yet cool. John McCain- No.

4. I wish I had been at the town hall style meeting and been selected to ask a question. My question would be for both candidates (especially McCain): If you were elected president and, God forbid, you died, how confident are you that your vice president selection could carry on your vision for America and effectively lead this country? I really, really, really want to know how John McCain would respond to that question, since Sarah Palin is such a flippin' idiot.

Here is a follow up question: What does your selection for vice president on your ticket say about your perception of the American people?

This election season is making me think I have an anger management problem. I feel really pissed off at the republican party. I even feel pissed off about local politics. I think it's a sad state of affairs when our only 2 options for a local political race are Steve Stivers (gag) and Mary Jo Kilroy (double gag).

~Julie J.

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