Sunday, October 26, 2008

Finally, a little bit of truth spilling out...

...from the Republican party about Sarah Palin. I read an article on the CNN website this morning about Sarah Palin "going rogue". The article outlined how some of McCain's advisors are feeling frustrated with Palin. (welcome to the club)

Here are a few highlights from the article:

- one McCain source said that Palin appears to be looking out for herself more than the McCain campaign.

- a McCain advisor was quoted as saying, "She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone. She does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family, or anyone else. Also, she is playing for her own future and sees herself as the next leader of the party. Remember: Divas trust only unto themselves, as they see themselves as the beginning and end of all wisdom."

- one of Palin's own associates said this abut Palin, she (Palin) is "not good at process questions".

- a Palin associate and a McCain advisor both said that Palin was not ready for press interaction and that her "missteps" in the interviews with Charles Gibson and Katie Couric could have been a lot worse. (OMG- worse? can you even imagine??)

and finally,

- a McCain source was quoted as saying this about Palin, "Her lack of fundamental understanding of some key issues was dramatic." The source also said that Palin was the "hardest" to get "up to speed than any other candidate in history."

Where to begin? There is just so much.....

1. If it's true, and I believe it is, that Sarah Palin is looking out more for herself than the campaign, that should be enough to sway every single voter in America away from voting for the Republican party (hey, I can dream, can't I?) If at the campaign level Palin is already that self-absorbed, what do you think would happen if she was elected to office? Would her values suddenly change to shift focus away from what's best for herself to what's best for the American people? Not a chance. Sarah Palin will always be about Sarah Palin and I wish that every single person in this country would recognize that.

2. Palin, a diva? That's just what we need in the White House-- a diva. For the love of God. Sometimes when I'm writing on this blog I become aware that as I'm typing I'm shaking my head in disbelief. I'm doing that now. I am just in total disbelief that an ignorant, uniformed, mindless maniac like Sarah Palin has risen to the level that across the country many of us spend time discussing her (myself included) and live in fear she will be elected to White House. My God, how as a society did we get to this place? Oh, that's right. John McCain and the Rupublicans dragged us down here. (There are also times when I'm writing on this blog that I move from disbelief to unadulterated contempt for and outrage at John McCain. I feel like punching him in his face. That's how I feel right now. At 7:10 AM ET on a Sunday morning I feel like punching John McCain in the face. I must need to get my ass to church and start praying.)

3. Regarding the quote above about Palin being a diva and diva's seeing themselves as the beginning and end of all wisdom, let's be really clear here: The name "Sarah Palin" and the word "wisdom" should never, ever, ever be used in the same sentence.

4. Palin's own associate said that Palin is not good at process questions. Great. Just what we need. A (vice) president who is not good at process questions. WTF. (I'm back to shaking my head in disbelief. And, for the record, I don't think Palin is good at any questions.)

and lastly for now,

5. I am not surprised, but mortified nonetheless, at the fact that Sarah Palin has been identified within her own party as being harder to get up to speed on political issues than any other candidate in history. This goes back to a point I made in one of my very early postings on this blog: Sarah Palin just isn't very bright. She's just not. And that's fine, but not for the White House!! (I need to catch my breath. When I think about the McCain/Palin ticket being elected, I really feel like I can't breathe.) OK, back to my two final points and then I need to go lay down:

a) if Sarah Palin can't even be brought up to speed enough to manage interviews with Charles Gibson and Katie Couric, how could she ever be brought up to speed on how to manage domestic and internal affairs? If she can't handle Charles Gibson and Katie Couric, should we believe that she can handle Vladimir Putin? Of course not! So why do I still see McCain/Palin signs in people's yards? What is wrong with people??

b) John McCain better never, ever again make a comment about America not having time for Barack Obama to learn in the White House. What America doesn't have time for is Sarah Palin to learn in the White House. If learning is needed, at least Barack Obama is capable of it. That's one hell of a lot more than Sarah Palin can say. Not only do I believe that Sarah Palin is incapable of learning to the degree necessary, the comments from within the Republican Party suggest she is also unwilling to learn. That is utterly terrifying. I feel like punching her in the face too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think John McCain should be punched in the face too. I think Sarah Palin should punch him in the face for inviting her into a world of humiliation. She might have been popular to the state who's isolated from the world, but now the whole world knows how stupid she is. I wish Shaggy was running as President with Scooby-Doo as V.P. I'd rather see them in the white house. I'm serious.