Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monster Sweet Roll

At one point last year, I told Scott I was going to start calling him my love muffin.  He didn't care for that nickname too much, so he offered an alternative:  Monster Sweet Roll.  I laughed out loud.

Let me tell you what my Monster Sweet Roll did for me yesterday.  My anxiety has been really high the past few days.  It's pretty much always high these days, but it's been even higher than usual.  My Monster Sweet Roll gets concerned when I am anxious, stressed, and depressed.  So, when I got home from work yesterday, the following greeted me when I walked in the door.  A note and beautifully wrapped package from a charming gift shop here in Madison called Willow Creek.   

I think it's adorable that Scott wandered into Willow Creek on his own today to get a gift for me.  A lot of dudes would only go into Willow Creek if forced and under duress.

The note had a loving, supportive message hand-written on it and the following graphic:

Here is what was in the package.

When Scott and I stopped in Willow Creek together one day last week, I noticed they had a selection of Wood Wyck candles.  I commented to Scott that I would like to have one, but wouldn't splurge to buy one for myself.  In my beautifully wrapped package today from Willow Creek was a Wood Wyck candle.

I love to take baths but didn't like the tub in my other apartment.  My new apartment has a nice, comfy tub in it.  I have said several times over the past couple days that I am looking forward to taking soaking baths on a regular basis once again.  Scott was obviously paying attention to my comments because in the package with the Wood Wyck candle were 2 packets of delicious smelling bath salts.  The other goodie in the package was some very nice hand lotion that goes on smooth and has a lovely scent.

Scott told me that there was yet another surprise in a 'non-obvious' place.  I looked high and low, but couldn't find it.  This new apartment is a studio, so it's not like there are that many places to hide things.  I finally asked for some hints.  I moved around the apartment and asked, "Am I getting hotter?  Am I getting colder?"  After only a couple of questions, it dawned on me.  My other apartment had no outdoor living area.  My new apartment has a tiny balcony.  I opened the door to the balcony and found my other surprise.  A little table and chair so I can sit out there and read, relax, or whatever.  Wasn't that so thoughtful of my Monster Sweet Roll?

A few other things.  People who know me well know I love dimmers on light switches because I always prefer my indoor living environment to be "glowy" (the term Scott and I coined for it).  Scott put a dimmer on the decorative lights over the bar area in the kitchen of this little apartment.  Between the dimmer switch and some of my other lamps, my new apartment is all glowy tonight as I write this.  It's a quiet, soothing environment.

Next to one of my lamps that makes the place glowy, was another card with the saying, "This too shall pass..."  Scott cut it and folded it to make it a stand up card.  He's a creative guy.  He is obviously trying to drive the message home.

Am I lucky or what?  I'm so thankful for my Monster Sweet Roll and his kind, caring heart.

1 comment:

Jeano said...

What a great guy. Way to go Scott!