Monday, July 12, 2010

My Dream Furniture

I have been wanting this Japanese calligraphy print "Crisis and Opportunity".  I did an on-line search and found it at the Haiku Designs website.  (unfortunately, I don't feel like I can part with 30 bucks right now so I didn't order it-- but at least I know it's there... I think I need the "Patience" print, too.....) 

Anyhow, back to the subject.  As I was exploring the Haiku Designs website, I think I fell in love with just about every single thing on it (except the Japanese beds.  I liked the platform and canopy beds though).  I realize this type of furniture/decorating may not appeal to the masses, but to me it exudes calm, serenity, style.  Maybe one day I can decorate my whole house like this.

Oh, wait, that's right.  I don't technically have a house anymore.  But, that's another story.

Below is a link to the website if you want to check it out.

Haiku Designs

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