Saturday, July 30, 2011

10 Years

It was on this date 10 years ago that I started working for my current employer.  Ten and 15-year anniversaries get special recognition within the company.  This past Thursday, we had a statewide managers meeting.  Turned out that would be the venue for my special recognition.  A big group was present. When I worked in Ohio, we had a total of 7 Program Directors/managers.  Here in Wisconsin, we have a total of 27--it's a substantially larger operation than Ohio.  All 27 managers were present at the meeting this past Thursday, as well as all 4 Area Directors, the statewide office manager, the Quality Assurance Coordinator, the Regional Controller, and my supervisor- the Regional Director. 

After the lunch break, my supervisor called me up in front of the group.  She said a few words about me and my history with the organization.  I was then presented with a "cash" gift (gift card) and a dozen yellow roses- pictured below.  I love yellow roses and these are just beautiful.

I could tell Nancy (statewide Office Manager and my right hand at work) helped to coordinate.  Nancy knows me well.  She knows I love yellow roses and she also knows I love Tiramisu.  So, in addition to the gift card and roses, they brought in Tiramisu for an afternoon treat for the entire group.  It was very nice.

When I reflect back on the past 10 years with the company, I feel a deep sense of gratitude.  Working for this organization has afforded me many great opportunities and it is the sole and direct reason for the quality of life that Scott and I have.  I have a decent benefits package and got "grandfathered" into the old system that I started under, when times were more lucrative, so I don't pay a penny for my health insurance.  That alone is pretty incredible and I'm so thankful for that benefit.

In addition to being generously compensated, working for this company has given me the opportunity to travel.  I have been to the following places for work related trips:  Indiana (not very exciting), New Jersey, Colorado, Minnesota, and Las Vegas.  When I was in Ohio, I had also traveled to Wisconsin twice-- which, of course, now has become my permanent residence.

I've also been blessed with the confidence of some influential people within the organization and that has allowed me to be promoted from Program Manager to Area Director and now to State Director.  While it is similar to a Senior Director position, I am the only person in the company to hold a State Director position.  My transition to Wisconsin was a difficult one, and that's putting it mildly.  In hindsight, I'm appreciative of all the people who supported and encouraged me.  I have finally arrived at the place where I'm glad I made the move.  Scott and I love living up here.  We love our home.  And, although the job is extraordinarily difficult and I'm still in the midst of a learning curve, I have learned (and continue to learn) so much.  I didn't realize how sheltered I was in Ohio until I got to Wisconsin.  It's truly like comparing apples and oranges.   In terms of professional development, coming to Wisconsin has been a good career move.  I feel like if I can master this job, and the jury is still out on that one, I can do just about anything.  I'm fortunate and feel humbled that certain  people thought enough of me to give me a chance.

I am feeling reverent about a decade with my employer.  After my supervisor presented me with my gifts on Thursday, she asked if I wanted to give a speech.  I didn't give a speech, but I did say this to the group:

"It's been an unexpected journey, but it's truly been a privilege and an honor to work for this organization for the past decade."

True story.


Jeano said...

Congrats on 10 years! They're lucky to have you.

Eric said...

Yes, congratulations indeed. Touch base when time permits. I am reaching my 10 year point with Many Mansions on October 1st.