Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Personal and Professional Development" is Over-Rated


Personal and professional development is over-rated. Who and where are the people out there championing stability and satisfaction? Why are we made to feel like there is always something else we should be chasing?

After making a major (and misguided) decision for my "personal and professional development", I have such clarity. After making this fateful decision, I found the following poem (a little too late for me, but maybe helpful to someone else):

I am enough.

I have enough.
I love enough.
I risk enough.
I feel enough.
I get enough.
I handle enough.
I am loved enough.
I am healed enough.
I am ready enough.

I am enough.


smjoseph said...

It's necessary to make decisions. It's especially necessary to sometimes make wrong decisions in order to know they were actually wrong. I believe in taking risks. Sometimes what you thought was a wrong decision at first, ends up being the right decision all along. Someone once said that when faced with the struggle of wondering if you made the right decision or not, to just let it "marinade" for a while. Hopefully, with the right amount of "marinating", we're all rewarded with the answer to what was definitely the best decision in the end.

Unknown said...

I cannot express to you how upset I am that you are unhappy with your choice. All I can say is that I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and if you can just wait and let things settle, those reasons will appear and/or make sense. “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Alexander Graham Bell. And... this is but a moment in your life. It is not your life. Try to enjoy each moment, because soon it will pass and another will be here. Good and bad. Hugs and hugs and hugs!

Kimmie said...

I have recently been looking at things in 2-year chunks, personally and professionally. Do what you need to do for a couple of years, and if it's not working, change it. Gives you enough time to get real perspective and also enough time to plan the next step. At least that what I'm trying to do to get through my bad stage right now. Hope it helps!