Saturday, January 16, 2010

More Pics

Another picture of the Capital Building. It really is a beautiful structure.

This is Scott's favorite beer. It's another "leave it to a place like Wisconsin". In this case, leave it to a place like Wisconsin to have a beer called Spotted Cow. The same brewery, New Glarus, makes a beer I love. It's a Belgian red that's served in a wine glass. I have a bottle in my refrigerator, but is feels like a treasure so I'm saving it. For what? I don't know.

Ah, the house I love and miss so much in Columbus.

1 comment:

smjoseph said...

OK...That's a deal breaker.....I miss my spotted cow beverage! So nice of you to think of me when you see a cow honey. I hope you open and enjoy the Belgian Red soon. It's not like you can't just get another bottle down the street. I thought that would have been long gone by now. Open...pour, and enjoy sweet girl! I love you and I love your blog!