Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blizzard Pics

These pictures don't do it justice, but here are a few shots from the blizzard-aftermath the week before last.

This first picture is looking over towards our next door neighbor's house.  The snow had really drifted on their deck.  It's hard to see in the picture, but it's a substantial drift.

We had a big drift on the southeast corner of our house where the garage and the house connect.

Similar to our neighbors, we had a lot of drifting on our deck too.  You can also see all the snow that stuck to the house from the wind blowing incessantly throughout the night.

The snow even blew and drifted up on our covered porch by the front door.

This is another shot of the deck out back.  The snow is so deep that it has nearly buried the chairs at the outdoor table.

I don't know how much snow we ended up getting.  It was hard to tell due to the drifting.  There were some spots that had virtually no snow and then other spots of high drifts.

Even though the weather outside was nasty during the blizzard, we stayed safe and snug inside.  We had power, heat, plenty of food.  And we kept a big, old roaring fire going in the fire place.  It was so cozy.

We love the fire place.  We actually have 2 of them in this house.  The one above, in the living room, is wood burning.  The one in the family room downstairs has gas logs.  We don't use the one downstairs since we don't have any furniture down there yet, but we use the hell out of the one in the living room.  We build a fire several evenings during the week and we keep the fire going almost all weekend long from Friday until Sunday night.  The fire place insert has a blower on it, which is nice for blowing the warm air into the room.  One of my favorite weekend things to do is take a nap on this couch...

...covered up with my faux mink throw from Private Quarters with a toasty warm fire crackling in the fire place.  It's as close to relaxing as I ever get.

I have digressed.  I do that a lot.  Back to the blizzard.....

The winter storm, which included the blizzard, happened in 2 parts but it was a fast mover.  The storm went into full effect on Tuesday afternoon and it snowed and the wind blew all night long.  But it stopped by the next morning and that afternoon it was bright, sunny and calm outside.

Last week we didn't really get any appreciable snow, but it was bitterly cold.  Temps were at or below zero every morning.  This week is supposed to be much more mild, with temps in the 40's (and rain) by the end of the week.  It's going to feel like a heat wave.

I think I have had a remarkably relaxed and positive attitude all winter long about the snow and cold.  I'm not gonna lie though.  At this point, I'm ready for spring.

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