Saturday, May 29, 2010

One of the Cutest Darn Things I Have Ever Seen

Scott has been here in Madison visiting since last Friday (5/21).  We have spent a lot of time looking for a house here, but we have also had quite a bit of fun while he's been in town.  I think everyone who looks at this blog knows I adore my husband.  He is my best friend and, even when we are fussing at each other, there is no one else I'd rather be with than him.  I just feel better when he is around.  I always tell him he is my sweet baby boy...pea.  The pause between the "boy" and the "pea" is important for emphasis.

Scott is truly one of the cutest darn things I have ever seen.  He has good lips, a cute nose, and very pretty long eye lashes.

But I digress.  While Scott is my sweet baby boy...pea, and one of the cutest darn things I have ever seen, that's actually not what this post is about.

This is about another "One of the Cutest Darn Things I Have Ever Seen".

Yesterday late afternoon/early evening, Scott and I went to a place called Bourbon Street Grille.  I'll post more pictures from the Bourbon Street Grille later, but for now I will write this about it:  it's a bar and restaurant in Monona where you can sit on the roof top of the building and look at boats going up and down the channel to Lake Monona.  Boats can actually pull in and park so the boaters can come up to the restaurant to have food and drinks.  It's quite lovely.  Again, more pictures will come later, but here is a preview:

While Scott and I were sitting on the roof at Bourbon Street Grille, we noticed a woman across the channel sitting on her dock.  She was talking to some folks in kayaks who had pulled up and we were intrigued by the duck sitting next to her.  

Here is a close up.

The more we watched, the more we were enchanted.  That duck loved that woman.  I think he believed that woman was his mother.  When she got  up and walked up to her house, he followed.  When she came back to her dock with some potting soil and plants to put in a big barrel, the duck was right there with her (off to the left, looking like a statue).

Here are a few more pictures of the duck and his human mama.

The duck never left that woman's side the whole time we were watching.  The duck even let that woman pet him.

Isn't that one of the cutest darn things ever?  

There were several other ducks around that looked like this one.  I don't know what kind of ducks they are; not mallards, not Canada.  I don't know.  Big white ducks with orange feet.  That's as close as I can get to describing the kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species (anyone remember that from science class??)  Anyhow, the other similar ducks that were hanging around were honking and carrying on, almost like they were chastising him for leaving them to hang out with a lowly human being.  This duck was not to be deterred.  He ignored his gaggle because he appeared to truly love that woman.  Seems like there should be some kind of a story book about this.

So darn cute.                                                    

1 comment:

Jeano said...

Big white duck with orange feet! That's Donald! (oh wait, no sailor suit...)