Sunday, May 2, 2010

I Love Jon Stewart

I really do.  I love him.  He is smart, has sharp social and political view points, is thought provoking.  And he is funny as hell.  Toss in a little bit of sex appeal and I am in love.  (Sorry Scott)

I saw the attached clip on CNN on-line.  It's Jon Stewart talking to Steve Jobs.  It's a little lengthy, but worth the watch in my opinion.  The attached link takes you to the CNN on-line article.  You can then click on the (second) video inset to watch.

Seriously, it's worth the 8 minutes and 40 seconds.  I belly laugh at a few spots when I watch this.  I mean, how many video clips are out there that mention a Harvey Wallbanger?      

Beyond the humor, his point about Appholes is well taken.

To watch:  Jon Stewart


Jeano said...

Jon Stewart is the MAN!

Eric said...

Si!! Senor Stewart, es el hefecito!!

BTW - can a brotha who watches no TV get an update on your take on "American Idol(atry)"?