Sunday, October 28, 2012


So, Scott and I were shopping in Target yesterday.  I was looking at women's socks, not paying any attention to where Scott went.  Next thing I knew, I heard him say, "Honey?"  I think I responded with a snappy, "what?" at about the same time I looked up and saw him holding this.

Where he found this, I don't know.  I guess in the women's pj's section, near the socks.  I have to admit, I laughed out loud when I saw him standing there holding that thing.  He said, sounding so sweet and trying to be sincere, "Do you want this honey?  It's a onesie."   

I'm pretty sure no one over the age of, like, 2 should wear a, we left the big girl onesie in the store.  When I looked up the spelling of "onesie" on Google, I came across this site.  Another version of onesie's for grown-ups.  This time for men.  With thongs in the back.  Ew.  Seriously?  Can you imagine getting a dude home and getting all hot and heavy and taking his shirt/pants off and finding him in this thing?  Talk about a mood killer.  I will reiterate:  no one over the age of, like, 2 should wear a onesie. No one.


Jeano said...

I went to the link you attached. WTF? Now I can never un-see it.

Julie J. said...

Jeano- I did a big-old for-real LOL when I read your comment. I know, right?? I can never un-see it either. No one over the age of 2 should wear a onesie....

Julie J. said...

And they could have at least shaved the guy a little bit.

ReneeK said...

Now I am really not going to look at the link. It'd be toooooo much for me. : )