Friday, September 30, 2011

Foggy Mornings

There are a lot of foggy mornings here in Wisconsin.  Much more fog than I ever experienced in Ohio.  Sometimes the fog is so dense, it's a little unnerving.

The last time Scott and I went out on the boat early in the morning, there was thick fog on the water.  It was spooky and serene at the same time.

First picture is of just before sunrise over Lake Waubesa.  The picture isn't blurry.  It's the fog and the red sky reflecting on the water that was like glass.

Next picture is of the foggy conditions on the channel between Lake Waubesa and Lake Monona.

In both pictures, you can see the front of our old boat. It's a reference to my vantage point when I sit in the boat and look forward.

In my XX years of life, I don't think I have ever experienced anything more calming than being out on a placid lake with lush green surroundings, in a boat, early in the morning.  Any stress or bad feelings you may be having just melt away.  The serenity and quietness of it is overpowering in the most beautiful of ways.