Monday, August 8, 2011

More Tubing Pictures


You can tell it's been a while since I've gotten pictures developed from a 35mm camera.  I thought I would get prints and then have to scan them in order to save them electronically.  Not true.  I got the pictures from the disposable 35mm camera we took on our tubing trip on a DVD, so essentially they are electronic. Super.

Thought I would post a few more pics from the trip down river.  This is from the shore before we headed's both of our tubes as well as the tube for the cooler. 

Next pic is from the launch site.  It's taken looking up river.  As you can see (maybe), we launched just in front of a dam.

There were a bunch of people at the launching site with canoes packed up.  They had a lot of sh*t with them.  I think they were planning an overnight camping trip somewhere along the river.  This is a picture of them on the shore and then heading out.

Here is Scott,  sitting up in his tube tending bar.

Here is our floating bar.  I'm kind of obsessed with the tube for the cooler.  I'm highly entertained that they rent tubes for the sole purpose of taking a cooler on the trip....a beer drinker's necessity  The tube is perfect sized for a full-size cooler. We even got a bag in the tube with the cooler, as well as our shoes.

This is an apartment building we passed along the way.  Nice building and the folks who live there have a great view of the Wisconsin River.

I took this shot as I floated along.  The water was serene and the scenery was magnificent.

And, one final picture from the trip.  Another one from my vantage point as I chilled in my tube.  My feet make an appearance.  No big surprise there.  Isn't the sky beautiful?

That's it from the tubing trip, my new favorite past-time.  Come to Wisconsin, my friends, and tube with us.  I'll love it.

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