Thursday, August 18, 2011

Martha- the unveil

Here she is.  The old fishing boat named Martha that we bought.

She ain't much to look at...but we're having a blast.  We love getting out on the water.  There are so many lakes and waterways up here, having a boat seems like a necessary part of life.

We test drove her last Saturday and then bought her and brought her home on Monday.  Next shot is from Monday night, our first night with her.  Scott and I were so excited, we sat in her in the garage and drank a few brews.  We considered it 'practice'.

Scott wanted a boat so badly.  One could say he was obsessed about it.  He was thrilled to finally have one.  He grew up with a boat like this, so he is very familiar.  I think that familiarity has made him even more excited about this particular boat.  I got this picture of him Monday...hugging the outboard and looking as happy as happy can be.

When Scott saw this picture of himself, he said he looks like a fat kid hugging a cake.  Well, you know what the say about fat kids.....they're harder to kidnap.

I think I literally took a couple hundred pictures during our first 2 trips out with Martha.  We loved being out on the water so much.  I'll share just a couple for now, but I'm sure there will be more posts in the near the future.  For the time being:

Our first launch, with the bumpers hanging over the side.

Motoring from the launch site out into Lake Waubesa.

 The channel between Lake Waubesa and Lake Monona.

Someone took the time to build this rock structure.  It's kind of cool, especially with the Canada Goose next to it, apparently sleeping as we quietly motored by in a no-wake zone.

Another shot as we were going through the channel.

OK.  Blogspot is really acting up (or maybe it's my computer) and working my nerves.  Regardless, I'll close for now.  I'll post more pictures of our adventures with Martha soon.......

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