Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Carpenters and Paul McCartney

The Carpenters

Few people know this about me, but I have a disdain for Christmas songs by the musical group (duo?) the Carpenters.  I find Karen Carpenter's voice haunting and, to be honest, it creeps me out.  In general, I love Christmas music.  My favorite Christmas "albums" include The Temptations (Give Love at Christmas), Luther Vandross (This Is Christmas) and Boyz II Men  (Christmas Interpretations).  There are also a whole host of individual Christmas songs by various artists that I like.  This year, I downloaded several Christmas compilation "albums" on my iTunes.  One of the albums I downloaded has the song "Merry Christmas Darling" by the Carpenters on it.  I hate it.  I hate that song.  Usually when it comes on, I fast forward to the next song.  However, the other day I was in the midst of a baking project when the song came on so I couldn't get to the computer to skip over it.  So, I had to suffer through it.  I noticed ol' creepy Karen Carpenter sings this line repeatedly in the song:  "I wish I were with you."  Isn't that some really bad grammar?  Shouldn't the line be:  "I wish I was with you?"

Like I needed another reason to hate that song.

Paul McCartney

If you think dogging the Carpenters, as I did above, is a sacrilege-- don't read anymore of this post.  It's about to get even worse.

I have satellite radio in my car and in my office.  One of the stations I have always enjoyed is Sirius channel 33, The Bridge.  That station played a nice mixture of older, mellow pop/rock songs.

Until about 2 weeks ago.

About 2 weeks ago, The Bridge started playing nothing but Paul McCartney songs.  Now, I realize Paul McCartney was with the Beatles and he is Sir Paul McCartney and all that.  But let's be honest.  When he went solo he made some really bad music.  How about his song that goes like this:

"Somebody's knocking at the door.  Somebody's ringing the bell.  Do me a favor.  Open the door, and let 'em in."

That's the chorus of the song.  Was he trying to write the stupidest song lyrics ever?  If so, mission accomplished.

A Paul McCartney song here and there is fine, I suppose.  But an entire radio station of his songs?  Stop.  Please.  I'm begging. 


Jeano said...

Oh. My. God. The Carpenters Christmas CD is my favorite. And dissing Paul? It's a good thing I really, really like you : )

Julie J. said...

LOL. So we're still friends Jeano?? In spite of my bad music commentary?

Julie J. said...
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