Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Buddhist Tale

There was once A Family who lived in The Village of You Never Know.

One day, The Only Son slipped on an orange while tilling soil- and broke his arm. His Mother and Father were distraught. How could this happen? How unlucky!

The next day...The Father slipped on an orange- and broke both his legs. This A Family felt hexed. They wondered: Why all the punishment?

Then within the week...A big, bad war broke out in The Village of You Never Know, and all the able bodied men were called to fight.

The Only Son and Father were deemed unsuitable soldiers due to their injuries and were left back at home.

It was a doozy of a war. Nobody came home. Not a single soldier.

Suddenly, A Family didn't feel so put upon.

After getting a good eyeful of the Big Picture of Life, they even felt pretty lucky.

Moral of the story? What looks bad close up might look pretty damn good from a distance.

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