Sunday, June 13, 2010

Farmer's Market, Part 1

Madison is known for having one of the best farmer's markets in the country.  The first time I came to Madison back in 2006, I heard about it.  At that time, I was staying in a posh hotel downtown called The Concourse.  Actually, I'm not sure I would characterize the entire hotel as posh, but I was staying in the Governor's Club, which was all posh.  You know, posh like you have to have a special key card to put in the elevator to get to the Governor's Club floors.  Posh like if you want ice, you don't get it yourself- you call the concierge.  Posh like free top shelf cocktails in the lounge every evening.  Posh like a big, thick terry robe in the room and marble floors in the bathroom.  I loved it so much, I wanted to live there forever.  It was perfect for a princess.

The Concourse Hotel- Governor's Club   

But, I digress- as I often do.  This is about the farmer's market, not the heart's desires of a princess.  I will comment, though, that every true princess story involves top shelf cocktails and a good concierge.  

Anyhow, not only did I hear about the infamous farmer's market  when I was in Madison back in 2006, I think almost every person I have talked to since I moved here on December 31 has mentioned it.  The farmer's market is held every Saturday from, like, April to October and I believe the hours are 6 AM- 2 PM.  "Go early" I was told, because it gets packed with people.

So, last time Scott was in Madison, we ventured downtown on Saturday morning to the farmer's market.


It was incredible.  I've never seen anything quite like it.  There were tents set up on the square all around the capitol building and there were, literally, thousands of people.  As I have said before, one of the things I appreciate about Madison is the aliveness of the downtown. 

There were beautiful fresh vegetables. 

    And plants for your garden.

And gorgeous flowers.

And homemade breads and rolls.
There was also honey and maple syrup.....and gourds.

My, those are some big gourds!  (why am I blushing??)

There was so much great stuff at the farmer's market, it was hard to take it all in. They even had jewelry for sale.  One of the things that made the experience enjoyable was the musicians who were set up at various intervals around the square playing music.  No matter where you were, you could, at the very least, hear a hint of music in the air.  It was mostly classical, string instrument music- which made for a lovely, pleasant atmosphere.  These aren't great pictures, but they show the gist of it. 

OK, so I'm guessing the guy on the ukulele wasn't playing classical music but a lot of the other musicians around the square were.

Some vendors bring their goods to the farmer's market in trucks like this.

Others have slightly nicer trucks.

So, there is part 1 about the farmer's market in downtown Madison.  Super cool.  Super funky.  So Madison.  It's that kind of place.  Kind of makes me want to put on a tie-dyed t-shirt, burn some incense and eat a granola bar.

I do wish I had gotten better pictures.  Maybe next time.  I should let Scott take all the pictures.  He has a real knack for it; part of his creative, artsy, I-write-with-my-left-hand thing.  He took this picture of the capitol building. 


BTW- I have to admit I'm surprised I didn't get more comments on the previous post about Willy's Weenie Wagon.  Am I the only person who thinks Willy's Weenie Wagon is funny and who blushes at big gourds??


gregcols said...

It looks like a great place to spend a few hours on a Saturday. Looking forward to seeing it when I come for my visit.

Jeano said...

Damn, Madison, is that a gourd hanging there or were you just happy to see Julie?

Julie J. said...

LOL! Jeano-- you make me laugh!!