Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sarah Palin is filled with the Holy Spirit

Yep. That's what some ignorant redneck hick said about her. Apparently he is a young white dude and, while holding a child, he said that Sarah Palin is filled with the Holy Spirit and she is "gonna bring honesty and integrity to the White House."

I'm left to assume the guy who made these comments is not only an ignorant redneck hick, he must also be illiterate. If this cracker could read, he would know that a bipartisan board found Gov. Palin violated state ethics laws in Alaska. She abused her power to pursue a personal vendetta.

Yep. That background sounds like a great start for bringing "honesty and integrity to the White House".


ginabean said...

She is full of something, but I'm not sure I would refer to it as the Holy Spirit!

ReneeK said...