Monday, March 3, 2014

Pissed Off- part 1

Let me apologize right up front.  I'm sorry that I haven't been writing much on this blog and when I finally return today, it's an angry post.  But....that's where I am right now:  pissed off.

If one more person at work tells me they can't help with a project or special assignment because they are busy or have a lot going on right now, I am going to blow my fucking stack.  I'm not talking about my immediate team here; my immediate team is great.  Dedicated, hard-working people, always willing to help.  I'm talking about others, outside of my immediate team.  We have convened a group to work on a big project.  This is my summation:

1.  Committees suck. 
2.  Committee work sucks. 
3.  Committees impede progress. 
4.  Two common responses when members are asked to help. One response is silence.  No offer to help at all or even get involved (note that these will be the first people to bitch about the outcome/final product).  The second response is to say something along the lines of, "Gee, I'd really like to help, but I'm so busy right now."  Or, "I can't help; I have a lot going on right now."

News flash.

We are ALL busy at work.
We ALL have a lot going on.
SOMEONE has to do it.

To tell me that you are too busy to help is really saying to me:  "Other people aren't as busy as I am, so all you not-as-busy people whose work is less important than mine can deal with this project."

To all these people:  f**k you.

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