Thursday, February 23, 2012

Peaceful Snowfall

The scarcity of snow in Wisconsin this winter is both surprising and unsettling (global warming?)  Tonight, however, for a change of pace we are getting some snow.  It's the kind of snow with the big, fluffy flakes that come down fast and heavy.  It's so beautiful and peaceful.  I just stepped out on the front porch to take a few pictures.  In addition to taking pictures, I paused for a moment to inhale the quiet and serenity of the snowfall. 

I hope you can view the pictures on a screen big enough to get a sense of the true beauty, which may be something better experienced than seen in pictures.  First shot is looking out from the front porch/front door of our home directly across the street.

Next shot is from just outside the front door, on the porch looking to the neighbor's house on the left.  The heavy, wet snow is just sticking to everything-- including the trees.

And, finally, the tree in the front yard of the second house to the left of ours.

This is the kind of snowfall that can be especially appreciated because the temperatures are mild and there is virtually no wind.  Just quiet snow falling.  I think it's something to be revered when it comes down fresh and clean; an example of Mother Nature at her best.   

1 comment:

ReneeH said...

I have to admit that while I don't particularly care for the cold I have missed those beautifully peaceful snowfalls. Your pics are lovely.