Saturday, November 12, 2011

Prayers for Jada

We just found out yesterday that our dog, Jada, likely has a mast cell tumor on her leg.  Some mast cell tumors are benign.  Others are cancerous and can be very aggressive.  Those of you who have known me over the years know that I lost my first Doberman, Emmy (the love of my life), to a grade 3 mast cell tumor back in 2004.

Needless to say based on my history with these things, I'm very worried about sweet Jada.  She is one of the sweetest, most gentle, loving dogs I have ever known.  She adores me.  She's a total mama's girl.  And I adore her right back.  She's on meds right now to get the swelling around the tumor down and then she will have surgery to have it removed on November 22.

Positive mental energy and prayers for Jada would be appreciated. 


ReneeH said...

Julie you know that I have a terrible history with Dobermans and I was more than a little anxious when I first met Jada. She has helped me to get over my fear and I am thankful for that. I will be praying for her (and the rest of your family) through this difficult time.

Jeano said...

Hoping for the best for Jada and her family. Good thoughts headed your way.

ReneeK said...