Wednesday, November 5, 2008

From Election Heartache to Election Joy

I have never been so happy to stand corrected! When I wrote my last posting this past Sunday, I was feeling quite anxious about the election. I am beyond overjoyed that my feeling of dread about the election was for naught. I feel a tremendous sense of relief and elation that Barack Obama won the election and will serve as the 44th President of the United States of America. From the depth of my heart I thank God.

When I watched Barack Obama's speech last night, I had a surge of guilt when he used the words "cynicism, fear and doubt". Although I'm not proud of it, I am willing to admit that those words described me. Fear was the most predominant of the feelings. I was very fearful that not enough Americans had evolved to the point where such a monumental milestone could be achieved: a black man will be President. I don't know. Maybe I owe some kind of apology for doubting. Maybe cynicism is one of my character flaws. Maybe I am weak for not being able to overcome fear. Each of us looked at the election through slightly different lenses. I consider myself a person of strong convictions. I also know that I am usually cloaked in a shroud of uncertainty. My personal challenge now is to accept my feelings for what they were and to find my own sense of entitlement to celebrate, irresepective of those who use hope and faith as a basis for judgment and superiority (and I ain't talkin' about Barack Obama here, a man who seems genuine in his hope and faith).

What happened yesterday in the election is nothing short of spectacular. Barack Obama is the right choice. What a triumph that character prevailed! I absolutely believe that he has what it takes to change the political culture. While the road ahead will be difficult, Barack Obama has already graced us immeasurably with his reverence, composure, and humility. He is a class act, a role model, and an inspiration of proportions large enough to make even an old uncertain, doubtful, judgmental, fearful cynic like me feel hopeful for the first time in a long, long time.


Erica Jean said...

I have been waiting to hear your thoughts - so glad to see them today. I was also very fearful that evening - I think two stolen elections can create a great deal of cynicism. It took chugging two mimosas and Barack to reach 103 electoral votes before I could calm down. Prior to that, I wavered between thinking that I was going to vomit or have a heart attack.

But it is a new day in America and I will remind myself of that everyday that he is President and no matter what else happens find some solace.

ReneeH said...

I am having the hardest time putting into words what it means to me that Barack Obama has been elected as our president.

I have always believe that I could do anything and that if someone thought I was less just because of the color of my skin then that was their problem; their loss on my greatness. When I have told my sons that they can do and be anything that they wanted to if they put in the work I believed it. But I didn't realize until Tuesday night that maybe I didn't really believe that deep in my heart because when they announced that Barack was the projected winner something stirred deep in my soul.

I feel like I'm home. Like I do belong here, this is my country. I've been walking around with my bags packed never really settled in and now I'm home, this is my place - time to paint the walls, hang a few pictures and invite people over.

I look at my husband and notice that he doesn't seem to be as beaten down. He stands a little taller looks a little prouder. Did he even know that having this man that looks like him in the white house would have this impact on him? What is this magical thing that Barack has brought to our country, to our community, to my family?

I see my boys with new eyes - wide open to the possibilities of their greatness. Thank God for the possibilities.

Eric said...

Oh yeah.

Still waiting for the next installment, my sista... :-)