Saturday, May 7, 2011

Say What?

Most of Wisconsin is rural.  No big surprise there.  The only area in the entire state that I would describe as urban is Milwaukee.  There are other decent size cities, such as Madison and Green Bay, but I would not characterize those cities as urban.  The state as a whole is mostly comprised of farm land and small towns.

Just as one would expect, in small towns there are some small town........shall we say.......mentalities.  Case in point:  a recent news story (link) involving the Sauk County supervisor, Virgil Hartje.  In a meeting with the county board, ol' Virgil said the following when asked to describe dealings with a contractor:

"We jewed 'em down some."

Yep.  That's what ol' Virgil is on the record as saying to the county board.  "We jewed 'em down some."

Needless to say, there has been public outcry (probably from all the liberals in Madison) regarding his comment.  But ol' Virgil refuses to apologize.  Ol' Virgil says "jewed" is different than other derogatory slurs.  Ol' Virgil says "jewed" is a business term.

Say what?

(P.S.  After reading this post, Scott Googled ol' Virgil.  Click on this link to see what ol' Virgil looks like.  Uh....yeah.  Kind of what I expected.)

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