Sunday, May 23, 2010

Obsession Confession

I dig Sharpies.  All Sharpies.  Skinny ones.  Medium ones.  Fat ones.  Smelly ones.  I dig them all.  I may even be slightly obsessed with them, so imagine my delight when I was in Staples the other day and saw Sharpies on sale. Only 6 bucks for a pack of 12.  That's pretty cheap for Sharpies.  So I got 2 packs:  Ultra-Fine and Fine.  I guess that's the nice way the Sharpie people refer to their markers instead of skinny, medium, and fat like I just did.  And I'm absolutely sure the Sharpie people don't refer to any of their markers as smelly. 

What's perhaps ironic about my obsession with Sharpie's (and all pens for that matter) is that I have the world's worst hand-writing.  It's bad.  Sooooo bad.  Awful.  Horrible.  It's so bad sometimes I can't even read it.  I have been told that it looks like "Chinese".  I've also been told my cursive and printing look exactly alike, even though I swear I move my hand differently when I write cursive vs. printing.  I know it's a sin, but I envy people with good hand-writing.  Being a woman and having awful hand-writing makes me feel just a little less feminine.  Girls are supposed to have pretty hand-writing, aren't they?  I so didn't get that girly trait.  Not by a long shot.     

Even though the sales clerks in Staples have no idea how bad my hand-writing is, the dichotomy of my obsession with pens and my bad hand-writing gets the best of me every time I'm at the check out buying pens.  Every time I find myself in this place I say to the sales clerk, "I'm looking for the pen that will make me have good hand-writing."  I usually get a blank stare.  But somehow just saying that makes me feel better. 


Eric said...

Ah, yes. That reads as if I might have written it about myself. LOL!

Jeano said...

I knew we were kindred spirits. I, too, love Sharpies and pens of all kinds. I think it harkens back to how much fun it was buying school supplies. If you happened to read Ode to a Pen on my site, that was written about an ergonomic pen shaped kind of like tweezers that I found at Staples.